Consequences of Getting a Medical Card in Michigan

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Benefits of Having a Medical Marijuana Card in Michigan

Obtaining a Michigan medical marijuana card has certain advantages discussed below:

Legal Protection

Having a medical marijuana card in Michigan gives a medical cannabis patient legal protection from prosecution for possessing and purchasing medical cannabis. However, as stipulated in the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, patients must not possess or purchase more than the state-approved limits (2.5 ounces) to enjoy this legal protection. A medical marijuana card in Michigan also protects the cardholder from prosecution for cultivating up to 12 marijuana plants as long as the cultivation is done in an enclosed, locked facility.

Michigan does not require qualifying patients to carry around their medical cards. However, patients must have their medical marijuana cards and valid government-issued IDs when carrying cannabis, especially in public. They need both to prevent arrest by law enforcement and escape prosecution for marijuana possession.

Lower Prices

Another benefit of obtaining a medical marijuana card in Michigan is that it helps a qualifying medical cannabis patient save costs. The price of medical marijuana is lower than recreational marijuana, as medical cannabis is only subject to a 6% sales tax. On the other hand, pursuant to the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act, recreational marijuana is subject to a sales tax of 6% and an additional excise tax of 10%.

Access for Minors

There is no age restriction for medical marijuana in Michigan. Per provisions of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, qualifying patients under the age of 18 can apply for medical marijuana cards through their parents or legal guardians and get access to medical marijuana. However, minors are not allowed access to recreational marijuana in the state.


States like Maine, Nevada, and New Mexico allow full dispensary access to any patient with a valid Michigan medical marijuana card. Having a medical marijuana card from Michigan allows qualifying patients to access medical marijuana in many other states.

Downsides of Getting a Medical Marijuana Card in Michigan

Getting a medical marijuana card in Michigan comes with the following disadvantages:

Lower Purchase Limits

Having a medical marijuana card in Michigan limits the amount of marijuana the cardholder can purchase in a month. Medical marijuana cardholders can only purchase up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis per day, subject to 10 ounces per month. On the other hand, recreational marijuana users can purchase 2.5 ounces of cannabis per transaction, even though they are not allowed to try to purchase more from multiple dispensaries.

Firearm Prohibition

In Michigan, medical marijuana cardholders are prohibited from owning and possessing firearms in line with the Gun Control Act of 1968. The state has no specific law protecting medical marijuana cardholders who own guns from the legal consequences listed under federal law.

Driving Restrictions

Michigan has no specific allowable legal marijuana blood limit for driving. However, state law makes it unlawful for a person to drive under the influence of marijuana, even if such marijuana was consumed following a physician’s recommendation. If caught drugged driving in Michigan, punishments include fines, hours of community service, jail time, and revocation of the driver’s license.

Medical marijuana patients in Michigan cannot obtain a CDL (commercial driver’s license). Although medical marijuana is legal in the state, it is still an illegal drug under federal law. However, medical marijuana users in Michigan cannot obtain CDLs because they are regulated by federal rules.

Annual Renewal

A Michigan medical marijuana registry card is valid for two years, after which it must be renewed. Qualifying patients who wish to continue enjoying the associated benefits must submit renewal applications to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) and pay a $40 renewal fee.

While renewing a Michigan medical marijuana card, the cardholder must visit a physician for medical evaluation and recertification for medical marijuana use. Although the medical evaluation can be conducted through telemedicine, it costs around $150 to $250 on average.

Employment Restrictions

Michigan laws provide no special protection for employees from workplace discrimination if they use medical marijuana. Employers in the state are also not required to accommodate medical marijuana users and can refuse to hire MMJ users for certain positions. If an employee fails a drug test, such employee may lose their appointment regardless of whether or not the employee has a medical marijuana card. Medical marijuana users cannot be federal employees in Michigan as marijuana remains an illegal substance at the federal level.

Federal Prohibitions

Marijuana still remains a prohibited substance at the federal level, so MMJ cardholders in Michigan cannot apply for federal employment. Also, per provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, federal employees may be required to partake in periodic drug tests. Should a federal employee test positive for marijuana in such a test, the employee may lose their appointments even if they own a medical marijuana card. Additionally, those living in federally subsidized housing in the state cannot cultivate or consume marijuana at home. Marijuana consumption or possession on federal lands in Michigan is also illegal.